Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Insanity Update #1

How is it I've gone a week without posting already? My sincerest apologies as I know you were probably sitting on the edge of your seat for seven days waiting for another exhileratingly entertaining post to read...or not, but let's just say you were.

Anyway, I've been doing Insanity now for just over a week. I LOVE IT! I was really nervous when I put in the first DVD, not knowing for sure what I was getting myself into - especially not having been in the same physical shape I was before pregnancy. But to my surprise, it wasn't TOO bad...I mean, it was still a VERY challenging workout, but I found myself really motivated to push through and give it my all. I believe that motivation was fueled by my strong desire to no longer hear the inner-thigh fat slaps during my jumping jacks or see my abdomen jiggle as I jogged in place or did plyometric jumping exercises...with any luck, hopefully I can accomplish that with this program.

The good news is, I've lost 4 lbs since I started! Obviously pregnancy weight will come off at a faster rate than someone just simply starting to workout, but I felt I was at a plateau for a few weeks. I had dropped a lot of pregnancy weight instantly, but kept lingering between 153-157 for a few weeks despite all of my workout efforts and conscious eating. I am now at 149. I've still got a way to go until my goal weight is reached, but if this is what Insanity can do for me in just 7 days, I can't wait to see what I am at Day 60.

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