Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Cheers to Skinny Jeans

Or at least to being back in them.

Granted, they're a size or two up from my pre-Farrah size, but I don't feel so humongous in them...so it's nice to feel like I can wear them again...especially in time for fall, when skinny jeans are a necessity to rockin' some cute boots.

{Top - Jessica Simpson {No Longer Available} / Jeans - Mudd / Flats - Coach}
I got a super-cute smile on camera from Farrah yesterday - had to share...seriously, y'all, this is how she is most of the time...I am so lucky.

And I managed to get one of her, Breckin and me:

Not the best, but I tried.

I started out the week right by hitting the gym yesterday. I'm waiting on those two cuties above to get up so I can go this morning too. {I already sent Tanner off to school.} Yesterday was some serious leg/glute work, today I'm undecided between shoulders/back, or hitting a class called Cardio Craze taught by my friend, Nicole. I am leaning toward the latter, but it's not until 9:30, so I'll have to keep up my motivation until then! I am so determined to cruise through this last 18 lbs though.

And now, I'm going to leave you with this totally cute snack I made for Tanner and Breckin the other day after my friend Suz posted it from Pinterest. So easy and I always have the ingredients on hand.

Smile! Have a happy Tuesday!

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