Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Tuesday Musings...Because Monday Was Not Happening

How was everyone's 4th of July weekend???

Ours was great....oh man, I definitely went a bit overboard considering being 32 and having 3 kids. I have realized I, for sure, am not 21 anymore. My husband and I were off all day Friday so after a morning of trying to get some weekend chores out of the way, we took the kids to the pool.

I also had plans to go celebrate my good friend, Anne's, birthday that night. We had an amazing time...drinking, dancing and I did not get home to bed until around 2:30am...

...and mind you we still had the actual 4th of July to celebrate. It was definitely hard to summon the energy, but we got to the beach at 10am {to beat traffic} and then to our friend's pool party on Isle of Palms at 2pm and didn't get home until close to 9pm. I could not believe I did all of that without a nap {keep in mind, all 3 kids were with us the whole time!}

Hope y'all have a great week!


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