Monday, May 30, 2011

30 Days of Me: Day 2

OK, I guess I've slacked a little bit on my 30 Days posts. I started early last month and haven't done one since. My bad.

Well, so Day 2 is: Write about something you love about yourself.

Let me start by saying I think this is the one I was dreading the most. The last thing I want to do is write a whole post about something so vain. But at least it's a far cry from the Day 1 post. I suppose it's actually a healthy thing to be able to look at yourself and actually talk about something you love rather than do what most people tend to do which is openly complain about everything they don't.

So here goes...I would say something I do love about myself is that I'm a very motivated person. It doesn't take much for me to get motivated to attain something I really want.

For example, in terms of fitness...I've been successful in so many of my goals. And I actually LOVE to work out because of it. I'm a mom of two boys (one of which was just born last August) and I'm already back to (less than) my pre-baby weight. I'm also about 25 lbs less than I weighed in high school and 15 lbs less than I was before I got pregnant with Tanner 6 years ago. I'm back in a bikini after Breckin! Perfectly in time for summer, as I promised myself I would be. I know some girls may be reading this and thinking "I hate you, shut up", but I want you all to know that I'm not saying this to be cocky at all. I know that I'm nowhere near perfect and that my body could always use a little work. But the point I'm trying to make is that when I was pregnant with Breckin, I made a goal for myself and I succeeded in attaining it. I motivated myself by honestly probably being a little hard on myself when I looked at my post-baby body in the mirror during my first couple of postpartum months. I don't recommend nor do I think any woman should be too hard on herself after pregnancy. Unfortunately, I'm just one of those people that if I don't push myself hard right away, I will procrastinate and never achieve my goals.

Another thing I'm motivated in is my future career. I'm definitely a person who knows that I want to be my own boss. I've started a cleaning business and plan on eventually making it successful enough that I can just rely on that as my sole income. I've still got a lot of work to do, but believe I am working on it and setting goals for it one at a time.

I also love to motivate other people. I know a lot of people that voice what they want, but need that extra push to go get it. I love to help them realize their personal goals and support them along the way. I believe having a good support system is key in achieving your goals. It's so easy to get discouraged, so sometimes you just need someone cheering you on from the sidelines and encouraging you to keep moving forward. I especially love it when friends ask me health and fitness advice...not only is it incredibly flattering, but I feel confident that I can really help them in that area.

OK, so I hope this post hasn't been sounding like I've been tooting my own horn. Not my intention at all. And for those of you who don't know me in person, I just want to clarify that I do not talk about what I love about myself or go on and on about myself. So I really hope I haven't given off that impression. That's why I really didn't like the subject of this post (ME, lol).

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