Monday, July 11, 2011

For Shame

Confession: Until tonight (with the exception of a bridge walk and a 5K), I haven't worked out in like 2 or 3 weeks.

I'm ashamed to have a blog called Mommalicious because this kind of behavior is so the opposite of Mommalicious. In fact, you should stop reading my blog right now. Cancel your membership/fanship, I'm no good. I'm a disgrace.

However, if you should choose to read further, I'll gladly make excuses explain:

Motherhood, holidays, family in town and work have definitely gotten the best of me the last few unfortunately working out fell on the backburner of things to do...and even when I did have the opportunity to, I chose not to instead. Cleaning house, kicking back with some wine, or napping (if I EVER found the opportunity) were things I chose over it. Bad Morgan.

Well, I'm done being bad. I was in kind of a rut. Mid-June, I left my job at the urgent care center...which I am not regretful for because the hours were just not working for my family or me anymore. But of course that meant a lot of my free time was spent applying to jobs and interviewing. And I had to pick up a lot of extra cleaning jobs in the meantime. Not to mention, my gym membership was through my job at the urgent care center so of course that got cancelled. But tomorrow I'm taking advantage of my day off and signing back up! Now that I'm working again, I can afford it. And I also seem to have a better organized schedule when I'm working as far as working out goes. I usually pencil it in early in the AM before work, or at lunch or before I head home at night.

Tonight I did a little at-home workout while playing with Breckin in his nursery. So I feel a little more energized and pumped about getting back in action with my workouts. I have not gone this long without really working out since I was pregnant and it's really been getting to me. It's just not who I am...I've always been motivated when it comes to I just haven't felt like myself lately. I suppose it's normal for every one to lack motivation or get too busy for fitness from time to time. (Even the Mommalicious ones.) But of course, the first half of Mommalicious is in reality, that's what comes first when you're truly Mommalicious. So maybe I'll stop being so hard on myself...stop looking back and just look forward and get my ass back into gear with no regrets.

1 comment:

Cam said...

that's where i am right now. difference is, i haven't really worked out since my son was born 19 months ago. i just worked out this past friday and mama is a happier camper now. i'll get it back in gear soon and so will you!


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