Monday, December 5, 2011

The Holiday Rut

The holidays are officially killing me.

Since Thanksgiving, I have not been to the gym ONCE. WTF????!!! To my credit, I have done a 5K (Reindeer Run) and a few days worth of Insanity workouts, but seriously, that just does not cut it for me because I know that tiny efforts such as those will never get me where I want to be in terms of fitness. I feel like a slob...laziness, lack of motivation, eating junk...seriously, who IS this person? It's not me. I worked way too hard to get where I am after two kids - so why am I seemingly throwing it all away?

You know how the longer you stay away from working out, the easier it gets to talk yourself out of doing it each time? Well, I've gotten in this rut of working from 6am to 3pm (which is reason enough to be tired!) and then instead of going to the gym after work as planned, I've had a mental battle with myself on the drive home after work each day over how I don't have time to go to the gym (even though just that morning, it was my main intent - gym bag in the car and ready to go) because I've got motherly/wifely/housekeeping duties that simply must be tended to, and with the holidays, those duties are practically double when you add in all the social events (and preparation), holiday shopping, etc etc I've been guilty of making that my excuse to not go...then I'll tell myself, well, I'll just get all of that done first, then I can do an Insanity workout after the kids go to bed... Oh, this has got to STOP. And I'm going to get ahead of the game and get started RIGHT NOW and not do what most of the world does, which is sacrifice their bodies by giving in to all the holiday madness and wait until the New Year to get it together.

So tonight, mark my words, I WILL be hitting the gym after work. And hard. I need to get myself through one good session to remember how good it feels and how much I love get my motivation back.

What about you? Are you in a workout rut due to the holiday rush? What are you doing to keep motivated?

Be sure to check in on January 2nd, 2012 when I introduce the first weekly edition of Mommalicious Mondays. This will be a great meme to be a part of - there will be a weekly workout challenge, opportunities to share your posts with progress pictures, updates and stories of your personal workout journey. It is also an opportunity to gain a support group. It does not matter where you are in your journey at the start of this meme. I look forward to this new portion of my blog. (You do not have to be Mommalicious to join, you can be I-Have-No-Kids-alicious too.) :-)

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