Monday, February 28, 2011

Mommy Doesn't Need A Reason!

This blog was inspired by one of this week's Mama Kat's Writing Prompts ( One pet peeve that shouldn't drive you crazy, but does.


My son has a favorite new word...or question, rather:


I hate this question. Anytime I say anything to him or tell him to do something - "Why?"

"Tanner, it's time to clean your room."
"Tanner, don't run out into the street."
"Tanner, it's time to eat dinner."
"No, Tanner, I'm not going to buy you a candy/toy/something at the store today."

You get the gist.

The word "why" can just be used to run a conversation around in circles. It's almost as annoying as someone playing the copycat game. (Undoubtedly a game I'm sure he'll bring home from school sometime next year.)

Tanner is 5 and of course it's natural for him to be curious. So if he wants to know why the sky is blue or why it rains or why bad smells come out of Daddy sometimes, then by all means, I'll be glad to teach him a few things...I love that he is interested in learning. But I can't stand to be asked why every time I make a rule or tell him to do something or to stop doing something.

If you can't tell, it's been a long day full of "why".

Our latest conversation:

"Tanner, Mommy needs to run to the store for some wine."


1 comment:

Soccer Mom said...

Ugh...the why is tough. My son's favorite one for awhile was "What if"...I hated that one more. "What if ... we lived on the other street?" "What if the world was black?" Etc. I got to the point where I said I don't live in What If, I live here. It was so annoying :)


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