Friday, June 5, 2015

Five on Friday


This big guy finished 3rd grade yesterday, I took him out on our annual end of school year mother/son dessert date to celebrate. He and I don't get a lot of quality one-on-one time, so it was definitely nice to have that.


Speaking of school being out, I don't know about y'all, but my kids come home with a buttload of artwork, certificates and other school paperwork at the end of each school year. Yesterday, I shared an old post that shows you how I tackle organizing the "keepers" to be treasured for years to come. Check it out if you missed it!


Yesterday marked one year since this happened. Read my post from last year. So very grateful my kids and I are alive and Timehop app will continue to remind me once a year how very fortunate we were that day.


Headed to Party at the Point with some friends tonight after work. It's a fun local thing where they have a band, usually some sort of tribute band. Tonight it's Banana Pancakes, a Jack Johnson tribute band, so it should be pretty chill.


And that's all she wrote! Happy Friday!


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