Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Writing Prompt: Reservations

It's been a while since I participated in Mama Kat'sweekly writing prompts...and well, I'm void of a topic to blog about, so I thought, what better time to jump back on the Mama Kat bandwagon? Out of the 5 choices she gave this week, I chose #5:
5.) I have no idea where the following message originated from, but it’s been floating around Facebook for the past week…who does it make you think about?:

"If someone wants to be a part of your life, they'll make an effort to be in it. So don't bother reserving a space in your heart for someone who doesn't make an effort to stay."

This quote struck a chord with me. I feel I do reserve places for family and friends in my heart. I always care, I'm there at the drop of a hat if necessary and I always give my all. I may come off sarcastic at times, but I never want to see my family or friends hurt, and I would bend over backwards to keep that from happening if that's what it took. However, I would say maybe about 10% of the people I do that for actually show me that same love back. Maybe I'm "too nice"...but can you ever be TOO nice? I mean, I thought being a nice person was a good thing - something people wanted in a lifelong friend...but lately I just feel like it gets me walked all over. Would it be preferable for me to be a complete selfish asshole and "me me me" in order to win over my family and friends? Maybe a lot of those people I do care for could care less that I care for them? I think someone's care and concern for you is a gift that should not be taken for granted. Not to say that I'm not guilty of it, because I'm sure I am...but I definitely don't make it a conscious effort.

Life in general is kind of like that. You make a reservation at a hotel. But without calling to cancel, you simply just don't show up. Not only have you wasted the concierge's and housekeeping's time in prepping the room for your arrival, you've made it so they can now not make money off that room for that night because they had it reserved for YOU. But do you think you care about those people that you inconvenienced? You probably don't even give it a second thought.

I find that as I get older, the true friends and good family I have, would never purposefully inconvenience me or leave me hanging. But more and more of the ones that I thought were friends, I feel are not even giving me a second thought. There are some people I call my friends that I don't know the last time we even spoke on the phone (Facebook does not count as primary means of communication, people!)...that the thought of even just calling them out of the blue feels awkward because I feel we've drifted so far apart. But would I still be there for them if they called and needed me? You betcha. I just don't know that they'd do the same for me. I know life gets busy and some people can get put on the backburner, as I said, I'm not so innocent either when it comes to that. But when it goes months, maybe even years, since you've physically spoken to a "friend", how can you even believe you're a part of their life anymore, or how long can you keep telling yourself that they are a part of yours? So when do I pull the plug and "cancel the reservation" so to speak? It's hard to say. You know it's when you finally do that and actually stop caring that they finally come back around. And God willing, the good ones will.

Disclaimer: This post is not aimed at any one individual and is not intended for the purpose of hurting anyone's feelings. I love my family and my friends. But if there is any reason that you think this message is aimed at you...pick up the phone and call me :) xoxo. Love you all.

1 comment:

thea said...

Thanks for the follow! You're right, we do have similar thoughts on the subject. Love your post. I think you captured some of the feelings I couldn't quite voice.


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