Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Writing Prompt: Don't Ask

Linking up with Mama Kat again this week.

Here's the Prompt:

A List of 10 Things You Should Never Ask Your Spouse

10. What's taking you so long in there? (C'mon, you KNOW. Just ask him to use the air freshener when he's done.)

9. Does this make me look fat? (If you're asking, it's because you know it doesn't let's say, "highlight your best features", so you're just setting him up to fail or fishing for compliments. Both are frowned upon.)

8. Do you think she's prettier than me? (You're asking because you think she is, and you're probably right. He probably thinks so too, but no worries, he LOVES you.)

7. I'm out of tampons, do you mind running out to get me a box? (You should be ashamed of yourself if you've ever asked him to do this. Even more ashamed if you let him go through with it - if he was non-masculine enough to say yes.)

6. What shade of yellow (or green, or brown, or blue, etc.) do you think will go best with our decor in the kitchen (or bath, or living room, or bedroom, etc.)? (Trust me, he doesn't know the difference between forest green and seafoam green. To him, green is green. And all greens match each other. Take this one to your best girlfriend, or your mother.)

5. What are you thinking about? (The answer is one of three things: sports, food or sex. None of those answers will be the wonderfully philosophical conversation-starter you were hoping for.)

4. Do these shoes go with this dress? (He has no idea.)

3. Would you remarry if I died? (Seriously, don't be so selfish.)

2. If you could only save one of us, who would you choose? Your mom, or me? (You DON'T want to know the true answer to that. Ignorance is bliss.)

1. For directions.

Jake and Morgan, will be married 4 years on November 22nd, 2011

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