Saturday, October 23, 2010

My Top 10 Pet Peeves...

If you are guilty of any of these, I may need to reconsider my friendship with you...or you just need to stop it. Stop it NOW.

But hold on, before I start, I have to give a shout out to a blogger whose blog I absolutely love. Mama Kat. You can view her blog at She has come up with this fabulous idea of a writer's workshop to help fellow bloggers out when we get that inevitable Blogger's Block. She has 500+ writing prompts for you to choose from to get you going on a topic when you simply cannot think of anything to write about. I definitely recommend reading her blog - especially if you love sarcasm. I'm quite sarcastic, so I can appreciate her humor and I think you will too.

Anyway...back to the Top 10 List

10. Slow drivers. Especially if you were so hasty to cut me off just to get into traffic even when you could have waited for me to pass since no one was behind me...DO NOT cut me off and then force me to slow down by 10mph just to keep from hitting you. If you catch me on a really bad day, I may hit you anyway.

9. You know that moving walkway in the airport that helps you get to your gate faster? Well, I happen to be using it to GET to my gate FASTER. DO NOT stand still on the moving walkway and block me from getting past you. This defeats the purpose! And Lord knows just about everyone only has about 10 minutes between layovers these MOVE IT PEOPLE!

8. People that don't get sarcasm. No, I'm not being serious no matter how straight my face is. I'm almost never serious. From now on, just assume I'm joking at all times. 99% of the time I will be.

7. This country's welfare system. AKA the world's biggest enabler for low-life slobs that just want to have more kids because somehow that gets them more money and they don't have to do a damn thing. Last time I checked, when I decide to have another kid, it costs me a hell of a lot of money and I work for a living. Something is screwy here. Enjoy that meal ticket - on me and every other hard-working American.

6. Animals dressed like humans.

5. Humans that act like animals.

4. Mispellings. I can't play Scrabble with my husband for this reason.

3. Hypocrites.

2. Fake people. If you don't like me, tell me, but at least have a good reason. I'm a big girl and I can handle it. If you think I can't see through your "politeness", you really need to give me a little more credit. I'll be genuine with you always and I only want genuine people for friends.

1. Hubby teasing me about EVERYTHING...I think it's a nervous tick of his or something. I must make him nervous. :) He now teases me about my newest hobby: blogging. Ugh.

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