Sunday, November 13, 2011

Merry Mailbox! (People With Kids, Check This Out.)

Do you have kids?


Do you like to see them filled with joy and delight?


Then you simply must visit this Etsy NOW.

Merry Mailbox

This shop will send a personalized letter from Santa to your child...full of intimate details about your child, so your child will know that there really is a Santa! Can you just imagine them getting this letter in the mail? It will bring out that authentic and pure look of happiness and utter glee...that unfortunately tends to go away as we leave the innocent world of childhood. (I know I want to see as much of that as possible before they grow up.)

North Pole Postmark!

To help Merry Mailbox personalize your letter, they will send a questionnaire for you to fill out about your child. Take the opportunity and use it to your advantage, people. Talk about chores, homework, behavior, etc. There's nothing like a personal note from Santa to tame your kid into submission being a perfect angel for a month or so. (1 out of 12 ain't bad, right?)

I honestly can't wait to see the look on Tanner's face when he gets the ultimate letter of all letters in the mailbox this Christmas season.

Happy Holidays!

Special shout-out to Surfer Wife for letting me in on this.

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