Monday, September 27, 2010

Operation: Morgan Needs A New Laptop

OK, so here's my charity case:

I'm in desperate need of a laptop! I have been using the same Dell Desktop computer for 9 years...and while I have to say I'm impressed she's made it that long, it's definitely time to move on. I need more RAM, a faster processor, a cd-rom burner, MOBILITY...I'd say that last one is the most important. I am so tired of coming to my little hole in the guest room to do work on the computer...ok, not WORK per se, mostly Facebook and blogging. But in my defense, I do work on the computer sometimes - checking email and promoting my cleaning biz is work. Anyway, this little hole keeps me from being with my family...and plus, I need to be around them to have inspiration for my blog posts. You want some good blog posts to read, don't you?! All I want is to be able to take my computer to the living room so I can simultaneously play a game of Disney Bingo with my son and update my Facebook status to let people know I am playing a game of Disney Bingo with my son. Is that too much to ask?

So I implore you, oh blog reader, to donate to this worthy cause...The Momma Needs A Laptop Fund. All donations are tax deductible. Comment below for more info on how to donate. You can make a difference in one family's life...

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